The owner or administrator of the Healthspace can set up a library in the Healthspace. Clients can find for example information leaflets, instructional videos and useful links in the library. This article explains how to set up the library.

  1. Navigate to the Healthspace in which you want to set up the library.
  2. Click on Library in the left menu:
  3. Click on New library item on the right and choose the type of item that you want to add. 

  4. Upload the file from your computer, or fill in the link (in case of a Hyperlink or YouTube video).
  5. Fill in the requested information, such as the name of the file, a description, and the category if you want to add it to one. If you fill in a category, all items with the same given category will be grouped together into one folder in the library. For example, you can set up a category for ADHD, one for depression, and one for autism.

  6. You have the option to add a Thumbnail. This is an image that you can upload directly from your computer and that will be displayed in the preview of the item in the library. This is how the library will look appealing.
  7. Click on Safe changes. The item is now visible to members of your Healthspace.


How do I send a library item to a client? 

Do you want to quickly send your client a file from the library? You can! Go to the client's file and click on New message at the top right. You can then add a library attachment by clicking on this icon: